Iron Sharpening Iron: The Process of Building Good Friendships

I can’t believe we are already in the second half of the year. We thank God for keeping us and trust that he will take us through the end of the year and even take us to cross over for 2025. In the meantime I was reflecting on relationships and had a conversation with my son Yvan during our daily devotion. I was amazed at his reasoning thought and his brilliant understanding of handling and mastering relationships. You know I want ro be established as a relationship guru , but when I head him explain vividly what I am about to share with you, I thought this could not just stay in the parameter of our home. This needed to be shared with the world.

Iron Sharpening Iron: The Process of Building Good Friendships
Many relationships and individuals have been broken because of the lack of understanding of this process.

Building strong and good friendships can be likened to the process of sharpening iron, where friction, transformation, and growth occur. Here’s how this metaphor applies to friendships:

Step 1:

  • Abrasion: which consist in having the harder material form friction and heat on the softer one. The way this applies to friendship is that it represents the tension and challenges between two friends. Healthy conflict and honest discussions creating opportunities for growth and deeper understanding. A friendship without conflict must be questioned because there are probably no opportunities for growth.

Step 2:

  • Deformation: The iron starts to become softer, changing without fracturing. Friends influence each other’s thinking and perspectives, leading to personal growth without breaking their core values. A friend who cannot change their thoughts, who is not flexible , who thinks my way or no way , is a dangerous friend who will leave you hanging the moment you oppose their thoughts. Deformation must apply to every good friends. This is a good reason why you must choose your friends wisely. This process will happen,If you don’t wish to have a bad deformation you must have a good friend.

Step 3:

  • Change: As the iron changes, it becomes harder and more difficult to deform. In friendship, through this process, individuals’ beliefs and values become more firm and resilient. Friends help each other solidify their principles and stand strong. Imagine being influenced with the wrong values, beliefs, they become a stronghold, therefore choosing your friends with wisdom is key.

Step 4:

  • Oxidation: Exposure to air forms a protective layer on the metal. Exposure to diverse ideas and perspectives strengthens a person’s ability to resist negative influences. Friends share and absorb each other’s wisdom, enriching their own understanding. An exchange is done here . Depending on the quality of friends the exchange can either be detrimental or beneficial, therefore there is grand need in selecting the right friends.

Step 5:

  • Wear: Pieces of the iron come off, shedding old layers. Individuals in the friendship relationship shed outdated ideas and beliefs, allowing for renewal and growth. Through mutual support, friends help each other let go of what no longer serves them, making room for new, positive developments. This process can be hurtful, and not easy . Making it difficult to let go of the old.

The scripture we want to consider as we go about the rest of the year is Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭6‬ ‭AMP‬‬
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend [who corrects out of love and concern], But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful [because they serve his hidden agenda].”

Remember not all those you call friends are. They are disguised enemies you want to get rid of. If he or she is not sharpening you he/ she is not worth it!

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